Thursday, August 31, 2006

Golden Oldies

Remember these?

The Boston Affirmations (1976)

The Hartford Appeal (1975)

The Baltimore Declaration (1991)

The Kuala Lumpur Statment (1997)

Spong's "A Call for a New Reformation" and a response: "A Declaration to the Church" (1998)

Certain Historic Anglican Doctrines and Policies (2003)


At 5:24 PM, Blogger Tobias Stanislas Haller BSG said...

Thanks for this Florilegium of preserved angst and anger. A good reminder there is nothing new sub sole.

And thanks muchly for your comment on TA about the relationship between scripture and the church as akin to perichoresis: a most helpful analogy! I am currently discussion similar questions with Obadiahslope, and this is what I was trying to address in my gentle critique of "sola scriptura" as meaningful rather than as a token for a position.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Greg Jones said...

Tom Wolfe writes in 'From Bauhaus to Our House' a scathing critique of the Modernist mentality. I don't recall the exact language, but basically he begins his tale with a group in Vienna in the late 19th century who launched their modernist movement with a manifesto. From thenceforth, all modernists would write manifestos every few minutes, launching some bold new confession, some bold old confession, some bold new-old confession, etc. Folks who write manifestos -- I think it is safe to say as a young GenX/Post Modern -- are tools: Left or Right.

At 10:56 AM, Blogger Greg Jones said...

The movement was the Vienna Secession of 1897. A group of architects and artists who 'seceded' from the established 'academy' of Vienna. They wrote a blustery manifesto, and quite literally, formed their own compound -- buildings and all -- from when they operated as their own 'ecclesia' of art. Sound familiar? In their manifesto, the Vienna Secession announced through a manifesto that they were removing themselves from the official establishment and had taken with them ‘the divinity of art and architecture.’ The Vienna Secession essentially claimed to know best and to have exclusive possession of the true vision. They were artists, not Anglicans, but it all sounds too familiar and too human. "Not on God's side, but man's." These many statements and manifestos -- ranging from 'conservative' to Spongian wack-job -- sounds similar to me.


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