Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Summarizing Griffiss' "The Anglican Vision"

In an attempt to articulate a distinctively Anglican theology, some time ago I went through Holmes and Westerhoff's Christian Believing; today I have finished going through Griffiss' The Anglican Vision:

Ch. 1
Ch.s 2-3, Pt. I
Ch.s 2-3, Pt. II
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8

These two works belong together and illuminate each other. Even though they are not systematic, they do articulate a consistent, common understanding of Anglicanism which--so far as I can tell--remains sound. Moreover, our Anglican Communion has a task group running called "Theological Education for the Anglican Communion" which recommends The Anglican Vision for laity. Griffiss' theology is not merely his own invention, or a curiousity of ECUSA--getting clear on his theology is part of our ongoing effort of self-understanding as a communion.


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